Direct: 402.478.8244
Email: jhanson <at> denargo <dot> com
Prior to joining Denargo in March of 2007, Jeff was a Partner with Ohio Innovation Fund, a venture capital partnership investing in early-stage technology companies. During his eight-year tenure with Ohio Innovation Fund, portfolio companies raised over $200 million, leveraging invested capital by over 20 times.
Prior to joining the Ohio Innovation Fund, Jeff held a variety of finance, planning and operational positions at the corporate, divisional, and business unit level of The Walt Disney Company. His work at Disney included leading the finance and strategic planning activities for Disney’s North American Licensing operations. Jeff also managed Disney’s merchant banking group where he negotiated and structured equity positions in the company’s strategic licensees.
Prior to Disney, Jeff worked in business and strategic planning at ARCO, as a legislative assistant and intern to a member of the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington, D.C. and as a Financial Analyst in General Electric’s financial management program.
Jeff is a co-founder and board member of InTouch Communications, a communications equipment and service provider.
Jeff holds a bachelor’s degree with high distinction from the University of Nebraska and an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Jeff is an associate of Denargo Capital.